3 research outputs found

    Responsible research and innovation in science education: insights from evaluating the impact of using digital media and arts-based methods on RRI values

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    The European Commission policy approach of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is gaining momentum in European research planning and development as a strategy to align scientific and technological progress with socially desirable and acceptable ends. One of the RRI agendas is science education, aiming to foster future generations' acquisition of skills and values needed to engage in society responsibly. To this end, it is argued that RRI-based science education can benefit from more interdisciplinary methods such as those based on arts and digital technologies. However, the evidence existing on the impact of science education activities using digital media and arts-based methods on RRI values remains underexplored. This article comparatively reviews previous evidence on the evaluation of these activities, from primary to higher education, to examine whether and how RRI-related learning outcomes are evaluated and how these activities impact on students' learning. Forty academic publications were selected and its content analysed according to five RRI values: creative and critical thinking, engagement, inclusiveness, gender equality and integration of ethical issues. When evaluating the impact of digital and arts-based methods in science education activities, creative and critical thinking, engagement and partly inclusiveness are the RRI values mainly addressed. In contrast, gender equality and ethics integration are neglected. Digital-based methods seem to be more focused on students' questioning and inquiry skills, whereas those using arts often examine imagination, curiosity and autonomy. Differences in the evaluation focus between studies on digital media and those on arts partly explain differences in their impact on RRI values, but also result in non-documented outcomes and undermine their potential. Further developments in interdisciplinary approaches to science education following the RRI policy agenda should reinforce the design of the activities as well as procedural aspects of the evaluation research

    Using and composing the landscape, attending to the making of place through sound in London麓s East End. Lila: a case study

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    Este art铆culo se basa en un proyecto de doctorado en torno al East End de Londres como 谩rea de campo. Se centra en el estudio de caso de Lila y, mediante el an谩lisis de la narrativa del East End, analizaremos la importancia de los sentidos, especialmente del sentido del o铆do, su uso y composici贸n del paisaje. A lo largo de este art铆culo, tambi茅n analizaremos el concepto de paisaje sonoro en la fabricaci贸n de lugar, en especial en torno a la idea de que el paisaje sonoro se configura a trav茅s de los usos dados a un paisaje por sus habitantes. A su vez, argumentaremos en torno al concepto de cuerpo como entidad sensual (Latour, 2004) y la recuperaci贸n de esas cualidades, frente a la racionalizaci贸n y estandarizaci贸n de la vida cotidiana. Para ello, esta investigaci贸n se centrar谩 en lo que podr铆a ser visto como actos cotidianos, que son, de hecho, los bloques que construyen y habitan un paisaje. Sin embargo, como este trabajo in茅dito es s贸lo uno de los casos de estudio de esta investigaci贸n, no puede ofrecerse una revisi贸n exhaustiva de toda la literatura disponible, aunque s铆 se presentan la literatura te贸rica m谩s relevante para el estudio de caso.This paper is based on an ongoing PhD research project having London锟絪 East End as its field area. It will focus on the case study of Lila and, through analysing her narrative of the East End, it will argue for the importance of the senses, notably of the sense of hearing, in using and composing a landscape. Throughout the paper, I will argue for the effect of attending to the soundscape in the making of place, notably around the notion that the soundscape is made by the uses given to a landscape and its inhabitants. I will also introduce my argument towards an awakening of our bodies as sensuous entities (Latour, 2004) and the recovery of those qualities instead of the rationalisation and standardisation of everyday life. For this, I will focus on the bearing of researching what could be seen as mundane everyday acts, that are, in fact, the constructing blocks of relating and inhabiting a landscape. However, because this paper is just one of the case studies of my research, I cannot offer an exhaustive review of all the literature that is in the research, I will though, present the theoretical literature that is most relevant to the case study

    An emotional cartography of resonance

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    When we consider the relationship with the urban soundscape, this aural 'moment' is intrinsically intertwined with the body as part of the making of place. How can attending to the making of place through sound unveil an emotional cartography or the city? This paper will address these questions by exploring the processes that bind sound, emotion and place together. Elaborating on Nancy's (2007) concept of listening as methexis (participation) and LaBelle's (2010) idea of the moment of sound as a participatory event, this paper presents two extended vignettes taken from empirical research in London's East End, which used interviews and audio walks to examine sensory engagements with everyday urban spaces. It distinguishes an approach to the production of place that integrates aural perception, affect and emotion. It concludes outlining the importance of being re-acquainted with our ensounded body in order to explore geography from the sentient body to generate a fluid cartography that evolves at the same speed the soundscape does, making an argument for the importance of an embodied listening while strengthening the affective and emotional aspects of the urban soundscape.Cuando consideramos la relaci贸n con el paisaje sonoro urbano, este "momento" auditivo est谩 intr铆nsecamente entrelazado con el cuerpo como parte de la creaci贸n del lugar. 驴De qu茅 manera la atenci贸n a la creaci贸n del lugar a trav茅s del sonido revela una cartograf铆a emocional o la ciudad? Este documento abordar谩 estas cuestiones explorando los procesos que unen sonido, emoci贸n y lugar juntos. Elaborando el concepto de Nancy (2007) de escuchar como metexis (participaci贸n) y la idea de LaBelle (2010) del momento del sonido como un evento participativo, este art铆culo presenta dos vi帽etas ampliadas tomadas de investigaci贸n emp铆rica en el East End de Londres, que utiliz贸 entrevistas y recorridos de audio para examinar los compromisos sensoriales con los espacios urbanos cotidianos. Distingue un enfoque de la producci贸n del lugar que integra la percepci贸n auditiva, el afecto y la emoci贸n. Concluye subrayando la importancia de volver a familiarizarse con nuestro enso帽ado cuerpo para explorar la geograf铆a del cuerpo consciente para generar una cartograf铆a fluida que evoluciona a la misma velocidad que el paisaje sonoro, argumentando la importancia de una escucha encarnada mientras se fortalecen los aspectos afectivos y emocionales del paisaje sonoro urbano.Quan pensem en la relaci贸 amb el paisatge sonor urb脿, aquest "moment" auditiu est脿 intr铆nsecament entrella莽at amb el cos com a part de la creaci贸 del lloc. De quina manera l'atenci贸 a la creaci贸 del lloc a trav茅s del so revela una cartografia emocional o la ciutat? Aquest document abordar脿 aquestes q眉estions explorant els processos que uneixen so, emoci贸 i lloc junts. Elaborant el concepte de Nancy (2007) d'escoltar com a metexis (participaci贸) i la idea de LaBelle (2010) del moment del so com a esdeveniment participatiu, aquest article presenta dues vinyetes ampliades preses d'investigaci贸 emp铆rica en l'East End de Londres, que va utilitzar entrevistes i recorreguts d'脿udio per examinar els compromisos sensorials amb els espais urbans quotidians. Distingeix un enfocament de la producci贸 del lloc que integra la percepci贸 auditiva, l'afecte i l'emoci贸. Conclou subratllant la import脿ncia de tornar a familiaritzar-se amb el nostre somiat cos per explorar la geografia del cos conscient per generar una cartografia flu茂da que evoluciona a la mateixa velocitat que el paisatge sonor, argumentant la import脿ncia d'una escolta encarnada mentre s'enforteixen els aspectes afectius i emocionals del paisatge sonor urb脿